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# And how will any of this help Jabbawoc? :(
baying cyber-MOD. Worst EVA :(
(, Wed 13 May 2015, 22:54, archived)
# Probably easiest to edit the subject line to include the words 'Tories as Serial Killers', we've got a script set up now
(, Wed 13 May 2015, 22:59, archived)
# It's OK, man..my councillor says as long as the fwaps stay below twenty a day I'll pull through..
(, Wed 13 May 2015, 23:00, archived)
# How many today so far?
Now I'm worried :(
(, Wed 13 May 2015, 23:01, archived)
# Look. It's my tenth b3ta-day. I was celebrating.
(, Wed 13 May 2015, 23:03, archived)
# One, and it lasted 23 hours
(, Wed 13 May 2015, 23:03, archived)