Is that the sort of thing you're looking for?
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 15:39,

Amazing call anyone who disagrees a racist or an idiot. The variant of Covid-19 found in the UK (unlikely to have originated in the UK) is called the "UK variant" because that is where it was discovered. But the virus itself which originated in China is not called the China virus but Covid-19 for fear the public might be prejudiced against the Chinese for allowing filthy markets that routinely give rise to these viruses and despite previous warnings from the WHO. Do you think the Spanish FLu was from Spain?? How about pulling your head out of your woke arses and opening your eyes b3tards
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:11,

I mean, I'm not offering to give you an actual hug. Covid and all that. Also you appear to be a hypersensitive idiot, and I prefer to keep my distance from those. But still, have an internet hug. *huggles*
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 21:46,

You recall wrongly of course, but don't let reality alter the way you think or use the internet to double check the facts when you can be using it to post your drivel here...
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:14,

We all know Trump is a fuckwit, so what's the point in raising that?
I want the people who prevented the rest of the world reacting sooner to acknowledge that and help ensure it doesn't happen again.
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:27,
I want the people who prevented the rest of the world reacting sooner to acknowledge that and help ensure it doesn't happen again.

Good luck with that one. This isn't over by a long shot. 18 million people flew in and out of the UK Jan-Mar 2020 after the outbreak became apparent. Over a billion people infected in every corner of the globe basically ensuring the maximum opportunity for mutations in the virus to occur. Even now the UK has not fully closed its borders. Why? 80% of the UK economy is internal. If government policy was directed at ensuring the welfare of its people then why not follow New Zealand and properly control entry? The reason a fuckwit like Trump was elected and the rise of the far right is because governments are clearly not doing what is best for their citizens and are lying to them. Do you think the Paris Agreement will do anything to stop the damage to our environment? Its just window dressing to make people feel something is being done. Like the vaccines, do you really think life will be back to normal this year.... people booking their foreign holidays for the summer already. Total morons.
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 16:49,