Otherwise I'd have asked if we could use this on this week's paper
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 10:40,

Shop effort could have been better but was in a rush to get the idea out. Just use youdoodle on my phone for most things.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 10:40,

Lax Chinese bio-security at a virus lab?
A cover-up by the Chinese Communist Party to avoid loss of face?
Great hindsight scoping folks.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 11:36,
A cover-up by the Chinese Communist Party to avoid loss of face?
Great hindsight scoping folks.

No mention that the UK includes ANY death within 30 days of a positive test as one caused by Covid-19. You get run over 2 weeks after recovery and they count you in the statistics. Even worse, thanks to the Coronavirus Act 2020 the rules around death certificates have been loosened so we will never be able to get an accurate figure in the future. Basically every death in a care home is being signed off as Covid 19 if the person displayed any of the symptoms no medical tests are conducted to confirm infection.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 12:13,

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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 13:12,

one of the things I learned was that anything that results in hospitalisation or death is considered an "Adverse Event". Even if the patient was run over by a bus, that would be recorded as an AE and reviewed accordingly.
At the time, I thought that was a perfectly reasonable precautionary requirement for clinical trials - after all, if 90% of people receiving the Investigational Medicinal Product were run over by buses, but 0% of people receiving the placebo were run over by buses, that might indicate that the IMP makes you walk out in front of buses. Now, however, I realise that I should have just run out of the hospital screaming "WAKE UP SHEEPLE" at the top of my lungs.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 13:51,
At the time, I thought that was a perfectly reasonable precautionary requirement for clinical trials - after all, if 90% of people receiving the Investigational Medicinal Product were run over by buses, but 0% of people receiving the placebo were run over by buses, that might indicate that the IMP makes you walk out in front of buses. Now, however, I realise that I should have just run out of the hospital screaming "WAKE UP SHEEPLE" at the top of my lungs.

while they are in intensive care beds
Grow up you idiot.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 15:08,
Grow up you idiot.

I've been savaged by the b3tatard clique :) Must think same way and have icon by name
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:03,

I don't get it. Why is no-one pointing the finger where it belongs - the CCP. Their obfuscation, manipulation of the WHO and silencing of critics and whistleblowers has led to over 2 million deaths. But no, Boris is evil and the saintly Corbyn would have saved everyone, even though he has achieved fuck all during nigh-on 40 years of political life.
I think the vast majority of politicians are badly suited to leadership and running departments efficiently, as are many in senior roles throughout public sector and civil service, but none are evil or would ever want this to happen.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 13:42,
I think the vast majority of politicians are badly suited to leadership and running departments efficiently, as are many in senior roles throughout public sector and civil service, but none are evil or would ever want this to happen.

Is that the sort of thing you're looking for?
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 15:39,

Amazing call anyone who disagrees a racist or an idiot. The variant of Covid-19 found in the UK (unlikely to have originated in the UK) is called the "UK variant" because that is where it was discovered. But the virus itself which originated in China is not called the China virus but Covid-19 for fear the public might be prejudiced against the Chinese for allowing filthy markets that routinely give rise to these viruses and despite previous warnings from the WHO. Do you think the Spanish FLu was from Spain?? How about pulling your head out of your woke arses and opening your eyes b3tards
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:11,

I mean, I'm not offering to give you an actual hug. Covid and all that. Also you appear to be a hypersensitive idiot, and I prefer to keep my distance from those. But still, have an internet hug. *huggles*
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 21:46,

You recall wrongly of course, but don't let reality alter the way you think or use the internet to double check the facts when you can be using it to post your drivel here...
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:14,

We all know Trump is a fuckwit, so what's the point in raising that?
I want the people who prevented the rest of the world reacting sooner to acknowledge that and help ensure it doesn't happen again.
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:27,
I want the people who prevented the rest of the world reacting sooner to acknowledge that and help ensure it doesn't happen again.

Good luck with that one. This isn't over by a long shot. 18 million people flew in and out of the UK Jan-Mar 2020 after the outbreak became apparent. Over a billion people infected in every corner of the globe basically ensuring the maximum opportunity for mutations in the virus to occur. Even now the UK has not fully closed its borders. Why? 80% of the UK economy is internal. If government policy was directed at ensuring the welfare of its people then why not follow New Zealand and properly control entry? The reason a fuckwit like Trump was elected and the rise of the far right is because governments are clearly not doing what is best for their citizens and are lying to them. Do you think the Paris Agreement will do anything to stop the damage to our environment? Its just window dressing to make people feel something is being done. Like the vaccines, do you really think life will be back to normal this year.... people booking their foreign holidays for the summer already. Total morons.
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Thu 28 Jan 2021, 16:49,

new viruses evolve every year in the corona family in different places and spread around the world. The idea that it's china's fault for not containing a highly virulent virus within its border, assuming it evolved there, is such nonsense. We've seen that countries that were able to contain the virus like Australia needed months of lockdown and other preventative policies to do so, and even then they have the odd one that slip through the net. to stop it from travelling to other countries China would have already had to have been in lockdown (of 1.2 billion people) with mask wearing and good contact tracing in place before the virus even evolved. In reality it took scientists around the world a couple of months to understand the virus's virulence and spreading vectors and health outcomes (that it could be spread by airborne particle was only confirmed several months later), something you can really only determine after a lot of people have been infected, and then formulate an appropriate state response. Why would you expect china to be successful at eliminating a newly discovered virus in a city of 11 million people and a country of a billion people when Britain has had a year and is still disease infested
Some years there's two or three corona variants, most far less contagious and deadly than covid 19. is it your expectation that countries should shut down and close borders for any viruses while they determine it R value and health outcomes? China might have had their own failures and successes in dealing with it, but stop repeating Trumpian nonsense Each country is responsible for its own covid response, and unlike china, Britain had the luxury of seeing how it affected other countries before it arrived on its shores, but still managed to royally fuck it up. Australia took the hard steps in 2020 and put health before the economy and now has zero community transmission and as a consequence its economy is now booming. Britain didn't. Don't blame it on china, that's deflection from incompetence and poor choices and leadership
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Fri 29 Jan 2021, 0:12,
Some years there's two or three corona variants, most far less contagious and deadly than covid 19. is it your expectation that countries should shut down and close borders for any viruses while they determine it R value and health outcomes? China might have had their own failures and successes in dealing with it, but stop repeating Trumpian nonsense Each country is responsible for its own covid response, and unlike china, Britain had the luxury of seeing how it affected other countries before it arrived on its shores, but still managed to royally fuck it up. Australia took the hard steps in 2020 and put health before the economy and now has zero community transmission and as a consequence its economy is now booming. Britain didn't. Don't blame it on china, that's deflection from incompetence and poor choices and leadership

That’s the problem these days, you have all the information at your finger tips and yet don’t access any of it. “assuming it evolved there”, no assumption necessary the origin is not in dispute… China. “Why would you expect china to be successful at eliminating a newly discovered virus in a city of 11 million people and a country of a billion people when Britain has had a year and is still disease infested”. Maybe because the UK and other democracies cannot weld the doors shut and completely lock down large areas allowing people to literally die in the streets? “Some years there's two or three corona variants, most far less contagious and deadly than covid 19” Wow. Really? Far less contagious and deadly than covid 19 you say… “unlike china, Britain had the luxury of seeing how it affected other countries before it arrived on its shores, but still managed to royally fuck it up” and yet the death rate is broadly the same in the UK as for all western democracies. “Australia took the hard steps in 2020 and put health before the economy and now has zero community transmission and as a consequence its economy is now booming.” Who gives a fuck about Australia? 25 million people in the middle of nowhere who mine 2 tons of coal per minute for the Chinese?? “Don't blame it on china, that's deflection from incompetence and poor choices and leadership” No one is saying blame China, just don’t you think its odd how little blame is attached given that they did try to hide the outbreak and only let WHO inspectors in a year later… they do have some degree of culpability wouldn’t you agree?
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Fri 29 Jan 2021, 15:07,

That is very good.
Edit: That sounds wrong. That is very bad. The picture is very good.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 11:56,
Edit: That sounds wrong. That is very bad. The picture is very good.

I wonder if there's a door that can be used for the billions wasted on Tory chums.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 12:06,

Like the alternative political parties on offer behave any differently in power? Have you not noticed nothing really ever changes? The only difference between the main parties is that nanny Labour traditionally leave the country bankrupt and those nasty Tories spend 2 terms putting things back together. All politicians are adept at lining the pockets of their friends and corporations as they can look forward to payback at a later date.
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Wed 27 Jan 2021, 12:20,