Aga-queue queue queue, Southwark Park to Bermondsey..
Aga-queue queue queue, Westminister Bridge to the Abbey..
Queue the left, queue the right, up and down toward the Queen
Come and stand through the night, bring a flask filled up with tea..
Past the Tate and the Eye
The Southbank BFI
The queue is so long..
We’re all singing this song
Aga-queue queue queue, Southwark Park to Bermondsey..
Aga-queue queue queue, Westminister Bridge to the Abbey..
Queue the left, queue the right, up and down toward the Queen
Come and stand through the night, bring a flask filled up with tea..
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Fri 16 Sep 2022, 12:41,
Aga-queue queue queue, Westminister Bridge to the Abbey..
Queue the left, queue the right, up and down toward the Queen
Come and stand through the night, bring a flask filled up with tea..
Past the Tate and the Eye
The Southbank BFI
The queue is so long..
We’re all singing this song
Aga-queue queue queue, Southwark Park to Bermondsey..
Aga-queue queue queue, Westminister Bridge to the Abbey..
Queue the left, queue the right, up and down toward the Queen
Come and stand through the night, bring a flask filled up with tea..