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# I'd just like to say
that to threadjack this picture, with no comment at all on how good it is, is particularly rude.

I would also like to add a large woo for the piccie.
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 11:54, archived)
# I second that remark
I hate that more than threadwasting.
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 11:55, archived)
# I hate it
more than genital warts.
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:00, archived)
# I have no benchmark
for comparison. I'll take your word for it ;)
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:01, archived)
# I can't Threadjack
I can't Threadwaste

What can I do when I have some random thing I'ld like to say?
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:05, archived)
# Just tell someone
who might actually give a fuck.
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:08, archived)
# be polite
about it - but definitely don't threadwaste.
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:11, archived)
# It would have been nice
if you had commented on the piccie
prior to the threadjack ...

something like this maybe:
"Woo to that - it's great!

Websites you've typed in at random for no reason...


I just found it rather rude that you totally
ignored the picture in the first place.
Especially since it has subsequently, and
deservedly fp'ed.

Does that make sense or am I just being a
complete and utter bumgay whinger?
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:11, archived)
# You have my full and total

It's not about rules, it's about being polite. Just like if someone was in the pub you wouldn't just interupt someone else if they were in conversation
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:16, archived)
# Last time
I made that comment (which I wholeheartedly agree with) the board went into meltdown.

But jacking a piccie in that way is totally discourteous.
(, Mon 19 May 2003, 12:02, archived)