Yes but Blue Faced Leicester
Sheep rule cause of their nucriform heads.

Thu 10 Jan 2002, 16:56,
nuciform! Haven't heard that in a while -
hey nicey! How's Wifey?
Happy new year to the both of you - have a nut.
Thu 10 Jan 2002, 17:53,
Hello Pep
Wifey is in shock as she has had to go back to work, 2 days a week.
I'm comming to the big smoke next Tuesday, I'm going to meet Crab Bloke for a beer before I have to catch my train, home.
Thanks for the nut it was a Walnut.
Fri 11 Jan 2002, 3:11,
work! That's disgusting
she should be able to stay at home and make garages out of beer boxes and hang out with us. Poor love. Mind you - she'll probably be a tad saner for it.
Lordy - I can't wait for you and crab bloke to meet. It'll be... explosive.
Fri 11 Jan 2002, 4:14,