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i put it on the frontpage, then i realised it wasn't your poem (and i'd frontpaged it mostly for the poem), and so I unfrontpaged it. This was not to be mean, and if another mod decides they like it they will no doubt frontpage it.
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:29,
archived )
ah ok
i suspected as much presumed most people read this threadwww.b3ta.com/board/1442221
Sunshine Elephant ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:30,
archived )
i see. no i hadn't seen that thread.
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:32,
archived )
nah its okay
more raising my hopes then destroying them making me sad :(
Sunshine Elephant ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:33,
archived )
I take responsibility as well as I asked him to do it
and I think he's done a damn fine job
thebear is thebear ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:33,
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*blushes* though my alphabet remains my proudest joy
Sunshine Elephant ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:35,
archived )
i take robs approach of not explaining moderation decisions on the board because ultimately people get upset and that was never the intention. In this case I felt I needed to give an explanation.
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:31,
archived )
never own up
never explain never apologise!
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:30,
archived )
Normally I agree
i felt like explaining this time, so sue me ;)
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:31,
archived )
then i shall do one
with a poem by me
Sunshine Elephant ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:39,
archived )
You can't win
these days, can you?
butchbint ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:44,
archived )
ill just crawl away and hide
Sunshine Elephant ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:45,
archived )
I love it when you get all strict
thebear is thebear ,
Mon 23 Jun 2003, 14:32,
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