I would recommend...
...imageready for optimising - it gives you a 4-up display for testing different optimisation options, which I find great.
I find trial and error is the best way, but generally speaking fewer colours, fewer frames and less dithering helps a lot - it's surprising how much you can take out without losing the essence of your animation.
Also, as a last step, I find I can usually add 15% to 20% lossy compression before the picture starts to deteriorate too much - it can help make the file that bit smaller.
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Fri 27 Jun 2003, 18:05,
I find trial and error is the best way, but generally speaking fewer colours, fewer frames and less dithering helps a lot - it's surprising how much you can take out without losing the essence of your animation.
Also, as a last step, I find I can usually add 15% to 20% lossy compression before the picture starts to deteriorate too much - it can help make the file that bit smaller.