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# very
well done
how did you do that?
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:35, archived)
# Piece of piss......
just go over the zits with the blur tool.

gotta be careful you don't overdo it though. I did it a bit too much on her actually.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:37, archived)
# the healing brush
is your friend
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:38, archived)
# yeah
healing brush would be better than blur :-)
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:39, archived)
# The blur and smudge tools are my friends
as I don't use photoshop, I use photoimpact.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:39, archived)
# photoshop
is your very expensive friend
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:41, archived)
# and at this point
someone mentions KaZaA.....
runs and hides
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:42, archived)
# I have got it (and it was free.... hehehehehe)
But I don't have the brain for it. too complicated.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:42, archived)
# www.k-lite.com
is your friend :-P

really, if you can aquire photoshop, it's *far* better than photoimpact, PSP and the like
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:41, archived)
# I know it is....
I have seen it, my brother loves it.

But I simply cannot do with it.
Edit: I like the use of the word "aquire" ;-)
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:43, archived)
# hehe
it's a cunt to start with, really, but give it a few days and it gets a lot easier
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:44, archived)
# i've been with it
since photoshop 3

so when i started with it, it was worse than photoimpact
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:48, archived)
# hehe
i've been using PS a good 6-8 months now, only really switched from PSP because i was doing some graphics work that had to turn out well, but been with it since
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:51, archived)
# well, I agree....
'acquire' looke so much better than
'a choir' doesn't it...
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:48, archived)
# i would have said that
but whenever i post kazaa related posts, they get nuked by the mods

so, in that case, get it from kazaa and then buy it if you like it*

* or hate it and carry on using it
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:43, archived)
# hehe
i just use a copy of photoshop from kazaa so i can sample the full deal, not a limited trial copy, and when a newer version comes out, i'll probably buy it... with money.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:46, archived)
# I might* have got
two Adobe products from Kazaa, and both of them automatically register the name 'Woo Yay' and the company 'houpla'.

I can't help but feel I owe someone many thanks....

*I did

On second thought, Its totally wrong to even look at Kazaa, as it;s entirely evil. Oh yes.
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:45, archived)
# the use of footnotes
is amazingly fun*

*an annoying habit we have
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:47, archived)
# you wouldn't believe*
the fun we have with them

*you probably would
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:49, archived)
# you're
a cunt*

* cunt

edit: i'm presuming moore has fallen asleep on Ijon in an arousing way
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:54, archived)
# that is true*

*it is

/edit I hope Barnesy has pics....
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 3:56, archived)
# dear lord
i honestly don't want to subject b3tans who didn't turn up to my face
(, Sun 24 Aug 2003, 4:06, archived)