just because I love the look on Han's face

he's on the board every once in a while
also my brother
( ,
Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:45,
also my brother

as I'm all for anono....aninomit...aninmon....preserving people's privacy
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:49,

them's fighing words...
Joe's actually very handsome, the picture doesn't do him justice
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:54,
Joe's actually very handsome, the picture doesn't do him justice

quite uncomfortable with this
(that's $1 a minute to look at the site)
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 4:03,
(that's $1 a minute to look at the site)

that guy in Terminator 2
except without the killing and the large ears
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:57,
except without the killing and the large ears

he's obviously mercury and Joe
and you're some other metal and tom
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:57,
and you're some other metal and tom

but he ought to be careful. If he gets cut, it'll poison us all!
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 4:01,

If I tip you onto the floor will your mercury spill all over the place, and be impossible to clean?
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:59,

thief.. THEIFF, with two F's mind you! Yer pointy, and I'm the liquid one, let's leave it at that, or else.....mwuahahaha
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:58,

ha HA!
*sound of laughter and breaking glass*
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:47,
*sound of laughter and breaking glass*

he does look extrordinarily bored
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:45,

the original has a coconut (from the site I posted earlier that has since died)
and he looks so offended at the very mention of someone giving him a fuzzy brown fruit....
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:46,
and he looks so offended at the very mention of someone giving him a fuzzy brown fruit....

we made our own coconut pilgrimage, which isn't half as good as SSG and Sargant's
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:49,

ok then.
I should do something like that, only there's only one of me
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:51,
I should do something like that, only there's only one of me

to hold the coconut?
that was our original idea, but we were too wimpy to carry it out
( ,
Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:52,
that was our original idea, but we were too wimpy to carry it out

stop spoiling my excuses for hiding in my apartment all day ;)
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 3:53,

it'd feel too much like copying. I have to come up with my own ideas
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Thu 4 Sep 2003, 4:03,