longist single amount without sleep was 40.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:07,

I was suffering from insomnia sooooooo baldy, for no discernable reason. Id go to bed at 9 o'clock or something, and just lie there all night, not doing anything. Then id get up at about 6:00am and go for a walk round campus. On the morning of the 8th day, a saturday, i got some sleeping tablets from a friend of mine, knocked em, and when to see if i could get some sleep. I woke up at 8:00pm sunday night. now THAT was a headfuck, I'll tell you.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:10,

i had massive red rings round my eyes, my arms and my legs ached constanly, i had really bad headaches, i was getting pretty drunk off just one pint of beer, it was nasty...
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:14,

you feel it, you feel the blood rush from your head.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:16,

surely getting drunk on less is good, because then it's cheaper?
I get a very upset stomach if I don't get enough sleep. And by enough, I mean a minimum of 7 hours. It's a pain
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:16,
I get a very upset stomach if I don't get enough sleep. And by enough, I mean a minimum of 7 hours. It's a pain

but amongst my friends I have a reputation as being a bit of a heavy drinker, and so it amused them greatly to watch me staggering about the place after 3 pints of stella. Not fun. They still call me "lightweight" to this day, even though I can drink most of them under the table if I wanted to.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:19,

* even though i'm not a good sprint drinker - i'm more of an endurance drinker
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:24,

I drink quite quickly, but at a steady pace. I cut down these days though cos I was getting into trouble too much.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:25,

with most people - but i can happily drink constantly all day if i have to
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:28,

I started going crazy...my eyes were going all blury...my ears felt numb...it was like everything sounded flat and monotone...it really didn't feel like I was there, it was weird!
and even when I finaly went bed, I couldn't get sleep for a couple of hours...so I guess it was about 41/42 hours!
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:10,
and even when I finaly went bed, I couldn't get sleep for a couple of hours...so I guess it was about 41/42 hours!

the only way to explain it to someone who hasn't had it, is to watch Fight-Club.
I find that it goes through stages, and every 5 hours-or-soo, for an hour, I would get a buzz.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:15,
I find that it goes through stages, and every 5 hours-or-soo, for an hour, I would get a buzz.

it's my goal to never pull another all nighter
//this is an unobtainable goal
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 4:10,
//this is an unobtainable goal