Worst meal I ever cooked was for my girlfriend.
Avocado and rice, with spring onion garnish.
Main Course:
Red onion in a rosemary and thyme (lightly sauteed in butter) fajitas, with some lightly grilled turkey for me, seeing I'm not a veggie.
Individual fruit pieces dipped in melted plain Terry's orange.
What's wrong with that, I hear you ask?
Well, all through the cooking process, I had been drinking beer, so when it came to the after-dinner snuggling, things went a bit further than intended which led to a HUGE row about my sex-drive (rampant) and hers (non-existent) which led to the true love of my life walking out, never to be seen again.
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Wed 8 Oct 2003, 21:05,
Avocado and rice, with spring onion garnish.
Main Course:
Red onion in a rosemary and thyme (lightly sauteed in butter) fajitas, with some lightly grilled turkey for me, seeing I'm not a veggie.
Individual fruit pieces dipped in melted plain Terry's orange.
What's wrong with that, I hear you ask?
Well, all through the cooking process, I had been drinking beer, so when it came to the after-dinner snuggling, things went a bit further than intended which led to a HUGE row about my sex-drive (rampant) and hers (non-existent) which led to the true love of my life walking out, never to be seen again.