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# I can't remember how old i was
but i basically came up to the worktop in the kitchen, so probably about 5 or 6.

My mum used to make lovely Scramptions every so often. For those of you not from the north of England they are like REALLY chunky bacon rashers but instead of strips they have depth: crackly skin on the outside, layer of fat, lovely meat, layer of fat and then another layer of fat of a different colour.
Mum would roast them in the oven and they were my favourite meal.
She also bought them frozen and so would thaw them out the night before.
Being a small and annoying child i was always up and making noise before anyone else. This particular morning, on the kitchen sink drainer, i had found fresh, newly defrosted raw scramptions, still in their Clingfilm and styrofoam packet.
Now i wasn't a total idiot and realised that eating raw meat wasn't a good idea. However, at this point i did discover why i must like them so much, they appeared to be sitting in a watery sauce of strawberry juice.
mmmm yum

I can see you're all way ahead of me so i'll skip to the point where my mum comes down the stairs to see me drinking raw pigs blood.

I'm a vegetarian now...
(, Thu 9 Oct 2003, 10:13, archived)
# Hot summers weekend
I used to work in a shop and we had a butcher. One weekend he left a bag full of meat parts by the back door but forgot to put it in the skip. When we came back in on a monday morning after a hot weekend there was a bag full of smell dead animals. I was given the job of putting it in the skip as I lifted it up to put it in the skip the bag split and about 4 pints of pigs blood poured over my head.
(, Fri 10 Oct 2003, 8:26, archived)