... there was a drinks machine at college. The coffee was appalling, but almost drinkable if you added a couple of spoonfuls of instant hot chocolate. Didn't work quite so well if you pressed the tomato soup button by mistake though ...
Less accidentally, one birthday (think it was my eighth or ninth 21st) I got to blending cocktails with my whizzy new blender. Early next morning and the usual cocktail ingredients were running a bit low so ... vodka, vanilla ice cream and HP sauce anybody? Very much more than the sum of its parts.
On the way down and back up again.
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Fri 10 Oct 2003, 16:25,
Less accidentally, one birthday (think it was my eighth or ninth 21st) I got to blending cocktails with my whizzy new blender. Early next morning and the usual cocktail ingredients were running a bit low so ... vodka, vanilla ice cream and HP sauce anybody? Very much more than the sum of its parts.
On the way down and back up again.