You've reminded me of my first week at uni...
Nice new non-stick teflon frying pan, nice new non-stick spatula and a tin of spam...
Problem being, non-stick doesn't equate to non-melt-and-coat-the-food-in-plastic-if-you-get-distracted...
and distracted I was, and when I came back, the spam was black.
'Ah. Burnt' thinks I, and tuck in anyway.
'Hmmm...bit crunchy as well. Hey ho.'
So, in case anyone wondered, teflon coated spam is not a good meal...
And yes, I was a little bit ill afterwards.Only a little bit tho
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Fri 10 Oct 2003, 23:46,
Nice new non-stick teflon frying pan, nice new non-stick spatula and a tin of spam...
Problem being, non-stick doesn't equate to non-melt-and-coat-the-food-in-plastic-if-you-get-distracted...
and distracted I was, and when I came back, the spam was black.
'Ah. Burnt' thinks I, and tuck in anyway.
'Hmmm...bit crunchy as well. Hey ho.'
So, in case anyone wondered, teflon coated spam is not a good meal...
And yes, I was a little bit ill afterwards.Only a little bit tho