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# We used
to have two dogs, Gordon setters.
They are not the smallest of dogs, being quite lean and with black hair and red fur.

Once the younger of the two dogs got under the fence into the neighbours garden and was discovered by me some time later, because of the whining noises it was making. Turns out she had dug under the fence and under the neighbours shed, though now found she could not reverse out of the tight space she had dug into. I had to scramble over the fence, into the garden and under the shed to drag her back.
Unfortunately the dogs mechanism when frightened is to go 'limp', so I physically had to then pick the panic-stricken dog up, over my shoulder and attempt to scale the fence again.
This would have been allright, except the neighbours had, much to my suprise, recently bought a dog of their own. A dobermann no less. It was watching me from the other end of the garden as I tried to scrabble over the fence with a limp dog. It chose the exact moment I was halfway up the fence to launch a sharp toothed and barking offensive on me.
Upon which, my own dog sprang into life, scaled the fence and left me with a frenzied dobermann attached to my arse, hanging halfway up the fence.

I fucking hated my dog.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:07, archived)
# i now have coffee
in my keyboard!
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:09, archived)
# Dogs
Should be banned.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:11, archived)
# I expect the
feeling was mutual from that story!!
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:43, archived)
# That reminds me...
...of the time my best friend's boxer was whimpering and growling in the back garden.

Upon investigation we discovered that he'd found a hedgehog, picked it up in his mouth, and would not let go.

Not very funny at all, but there's a happy ending, as the dog recovered and the hedgehog was none the worse for the encounter...except I think he steered clear of boxers after that.
(, Thu 16 Oct 2003, 16:02, archived)
# Great story
(, Fri 17 Oct 2003, 12:43, archived)
# We had a German Shepherd used to live next door to us...
who kept coming and crapping in our garden.

Sometimes his dog came too.

(, Fri 17 Oct 2003, 17:23, archived)