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# My ex-girlfriend had a cat called spangle
that decided to attack the christmas tree one year. As you may or may not know, cats have a poor understanding of the dangers of electricity
The poor thing was buried on christmas eve.

Or what about the pet crab i had that kept eating all my tropical fish

Or the time i bought these two wee lizards that could change colour and climb up walls and then the bloody cat went and ate them

Or the time i put my seamonkies into my pc's watercooler, they didn't fare too well
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 11:30, archived)
# some body corect me if im wrong but,
sea monkeys seem very simalar to brine shrimps, for those of you who dont know what brine shrimps are,very small crustaions that are bred as food for pet fish.
so on one hand you have your supper amazing live sea monkeys a sceintific miracal, posibly one of the most advanced life forms on the planent, who in order to survive must have there water purified with amazing secret chemicials and most magical food.
or you have brine shrimps which cost about £4 for hundreds of eggs, can be grown in old coke bottles just need aa cuple of grams of salt in the water, and i think youl find there resembelence remarkable
its amazing what people can sell to kids
(, Thu 16 Oct 2003, 20:15, archived)
# More cats and electricity stories... (cat is okay and lives to ripe old age)
Our old cat, when she needed a pee, and when it was cold outside, used to try to and find alternative places to do her thing around the house.

You want proof that cats are intelligent?

Well, she'd play it all complete innocent and sweetness, RIGHT up until she'd either seen you anywhere near where she'd done her secret wee, or if she got the feeling that you were purposefully looking for her, where upon she'd go mental doing EVERYTHING possible to keep well out your way (knowing full well that a face soaking from the water squirter was the usual punishment.)

Anyway, her favourite place to pee was the shoe cupboard, in the downstairs loo. However, sometimes the door was closed.
So when she couldn't get in there, she'd pee in the pots containing houseplants instead.

Only, she had a bad aim, a _REALLY_ really bad aim. She appeared to theorise that if she was in the houseplant pot, and she peed, that the wee would, therefore, end up in the pot also. Doh!

One day... whilst the family sitting quietly in the lounge, we heard the most odd sound I'd ever heard. It was like a kind of gentle electrical frizzing and tinkling sound, but not quite.

We turned around, to find the cat sitting on the pot for the huge Yukka plant. She was standing, deep in concentration, trying to have a secret pee in the Yukka plant pot. As usual, she was entirely unsuccessful at peeing in the pot, and with an enduring look of heightened concentration...

...she was instead urinating in a perfect arc, right over the edge of the pot, straight into a live electrical socket.

Cat and frizzing live 240 volt electrical socket connected by arc of urine.

It was, at the same time, both a terrifying and hilarious sight.

We think she was totally unaware of just how close to a call with death her call of nature nearly brought her. Either that, or she got a mild buzz from it and was enjoying it. She didn't let on, either way, and showed no ill effects afterwards, and lived to a ripe old age.

Stupid cat!
(, Sat 18 Oct 2003, 21:30, archived)