by crashing out unconcious and proceding to kick a whole through my table in his sleep, sending broken glass, ashtrays and beer dregs all over my floor.
so i dreesed him up, photographed him and then cleaned him up so that he didn't know anything about it.
anyway, fast forward 2 months later, we are at a friends 21st birthday. it was fancy dress and rob thought he was the shit cause he had got a really good (and expensive) stormtrooper outfit. i got the DJ to stop the music and call rob up onto stage to recieve a prize for his effor in dressing up. so when the smug bastard gets up (this is infront of his parents, friends of the family and pretty much everyone we knew), i instead present him with the new issue of 'front' magazine, page 16 - 'mate in a state' section (in a nice picture frame) - there's robs picture, complete with 10 inch dildo in his ear (below)! got him back infront of every single person he knew and the entire readership of a national mag. cunt.

it's the issue with victoria siversted (or whatever she's called) on the cover, if anyone has any back issues from about 4 years ago
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Wed 22 Oct 2003, 13:59,
so i dreesed him up, photographed him and then cleaned him up so that he didn't know anything about it.
anyway, fast forward 2 months later, we are at a friends 21st birthday. it was fancy dress and rob thought he was the shit cause he had got a really good (and expensive) stormtrooper outfit. i got the DJ to stop the music and call rob up onto stage to recieve a prize for his effor in dressing up. so when the smug bastard gets up (this is infront of his parents, friends of the family and pretty much everyone we knew), i instead present him with the new issue of 'front' magazine, page 16 - 'mate in a state' section (in a nice picture frame) - there's robs picture, complete with 10 inch dildo in his ear (below)! got him back infront of every single person he knew and the entire readership of a national mag. cunt.

it's the issue with victoria siversted (or whatever she's called) on the cover, if anyone has any back issues from about 4 years ago

me and my mate whent round to our friend sams house to hang out (as we usually did). on the way we found a roll of plastic tape at some road works (kinda like the "police line - do not cross" stuff), so pocketed it thinking it may come in useful later. sam pops out for 10 minutes to buy some fags, and me and my mate proceed to wrap her entire house in this tape. i'm talking about hundreds of meters of this stuff - around the house and garage numerous times, through windows, around furniture and door handles, all the way down the stairs through the banisters, and finally tied to the back of her front door handle. we then dressed up in her nurses uniform (it was for her work!) and sat watching tv as if nothing had happened. after she'd wrestled the front door open and come in to find us sat there quite calmly as if we knew nothing of the incident, she exploded!
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Wed 22 Oct 2003, 19:22,