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# When I was at college in Blackpool
Me and my mates got very drunk one night, one of them especially drunk, and since we were in dorms the security guard made us put him to bed.
We carried him to his room and put him in bed then (inevitably) decided to shave his eyebrows.
It was so funny that we decided to shave his pubes as well, we pulled his kegs down and started shaving his pubes, my mate went to rinse the razor under the sink and due to the sound of the water the guy getting shaved started to piss himself....but, the way his Willy was he was pissing on his own face.
He pissed for ages but by this time we had collapsed on the floor in hilarity agony and were slowly crawling out of his room.
The next day he came down for breakfast and obviously hadn't washed as he stunk of piss and wasn't aware that he had no eyebrows.

Oh and his name was 'Jasper Crips' snort
(, Wed 22 Oct 2003, 16:48, archived)