I saw some graffiti on the bottomeof a toilet door as I was taking a shit.
It was written quite small, so I had to lean over to read it.
It said....
'you are now shitting at an angle of 45 degrees'
Mon 3 Nov 2003, 13:14,
In the
Erskine Medical Library in Edinburgh uni one of the cubicles has grafitti on the bottom corner of the wall:
"If you're reading this, you're peeing on your shoes..."
Fudgebags will wear you like a glove,
Mon 3 Nov 2003, 16:25,
My older brother used to glue pound coins to the bottom of toilets with the queens head facing up
Personally, What's quite funny, although not exactly graffiti, Is to write "reading this note will make you [insert insult her- eg.gay/smell/ugly]
tom the astronaut,
Mon 3 Nov 2003, 18:17,
superglue uses
water molecules to initiate the polymerisation reaction for bonding, it doesn't 'dry' as such.
Er... I'll go now.
Zak is pleased with your offerings,
Wed 5 Nov 2003, 1:40,
That's been around a while
My dad spotted it in Oxford in the 60s. When he was JCR member with special responsibility for the underground toilet block (official post title: Rear Vice Admiral. And I'm not making that up.)
Dr Almost,
Wed 5 Nov 2003, 13:15,