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# why it wants to kill me, mostly.
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29, archived)
# be careful
I think you may have angered the beast by hurling it on the floor
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32, archived)
# did you get my last 4rthur?
sorry to be a moany cunt...
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32, archived)
# yeah. i've been farting about with it for an hour or so
and fixed it, but now it's behaving like an arse in another way.
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:33, archived)
# haha!
typical. sorry, i just get very excitable with this kind of thing.....
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:34, archived)
# it's hard to debug when you're not running it on your own server
i have some work to be doing for tonight. mind if i give it a break for today?
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35, archived)
# no problem.
as i said, i can keep doing things the old-fashioned way for now
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:37, archived)
# any chance i could have the latest version
for my own learning purposes?
(, Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43, archived)