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Something is very wrong about Sargant 's pizza.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:26,
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That's it, I'm going back to dial up. At least you get some warning.
id10ts WTF happened ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:27,
archived )
hmm... thats made me hungry....
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:27,
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Does being the
Fucking moon lord have a good benefits package?
Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:30,
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not as good as you'd think
i mean, you get all the free cheese you could ever want, and the sex with attractiv females (or males if you are so inclined) is good an all, but the workload is huge and you dont get medical for 5 months
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
archived )
I guess
that delegation is out of the question.FUCKSOCKS! I forgot about the total eclipse of the moon last night. Damn damn damn!
Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:34,
archived )
it was cloudy.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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Ah, but with a total eclipse of the moon
it would have been darker and cloudy. :(
Lethe is carrying a spade. SPANG. ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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yeah sorry
was having a bad day so i took it off line
ChaosTime The Fucking Moon Lord ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:39,
archived )
the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza!the pizza! etc...
woo yay
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:28,
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explains a lot
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:28,
archived )
why it wants to kill me, mostly.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29,
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be careful
I think you may have angered the beast by hurling it on the floor
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
archived )
did you get my last 4rthur?
sorry to be a moany cunt...
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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yeah. i've been farting about with it for an hour or so
and fixed it, but now it's behaving like an arse in another way.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:33,
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typical. sorry, i just get very excitable with this kind of thing.....
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:34,
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it's hard to debug when you're not running it on your own server
i have some work to be doing for tonight. mind if i give it a break for today?
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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no problem.
as i said, i can keep doing things the old-fashioned way for now
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:37,
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any chance i could have the latest version
for my own learning purposes?
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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Batsgirl ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:29,
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no. bad pizza.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:32,
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I still don't get
What the white things are supposed to do?
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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hold the slices apart.
_null_ ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:35,
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they look like a really good invention. Ive never seen them before actually.
poshphil ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:36,
archived )
The white trianglar tripod things
are to keep the box lid from squashing the pizza topping, and for fucking with everybody's mind to try and figure out what they do, like the little bags of silica you get in new handbags.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:38,
archived )
why would you want the toppings not squashed,
one of the geat pleasures of take out pizza is the mangled toppings
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:39,
archived )
Yes but the cheese sticks to the lid
and because it mozzarella then that means nearly all your topping gone
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:42,
archived )
but then you get to argue over who gets to pick at the box lid
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
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In our house
that will be the two dogs.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:44,
archived )
you just don't know how to live it up
you lot
lemony ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:46,
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I don't get out much
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:48,
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is that supposed to be to sook up any moisture in the air ... like when you get sachets of silica gel with electronic equipment?
coco ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
archived )
That's what they would like us to thing
It's actually for the handbag fairies who like their fish & chips.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:46,
archived )
I thought it was to stop the top of the box squishing the pizza
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:38,
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You are correct - and today's prize
is a trip to Pizza Hut to look at people eating through the windows.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:40,
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Can't I get to do something
I don't normally do?
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:41,
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Okay you can go on a trip to laugh at the poor people
eating in "It's a Crappy Italian Pizza Parlour" down the road.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:43,
archived )
*pulls on galoshes*
Bingowings 2011 Businessman of the Year (Watford Branch) ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:47,
archived )
Looks familiar
Maybe it's related to this guy .
Noit happy baby orangutan ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:38,
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Efficient and space saving reply
azerty ,
Sun 9 Nov 2003, 19:58,
archived )
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