You'd be in your room reading, or watching telly, or picking your nose and generally minding your own business and suddenly a soft voice, right in my ear would whisper 'Hi'.
I usually screamed and leapt three feet in the air but she didn't seem put off. Even after I moved out I was constantly twitchy for about three weeks.
She also didn't pay her rent, and practised the piano in her room VERY LOUD, in the run-up to our finals. And she once organised a dinner party for a mutual friend, but as soon as she and I began cooking the three-course meal together, she realised she'd 'forgotten to get something', fucked off and came back just as we were tucking into the starter. She then asked me to contribute to the cost of the food - I didn't.
But the silent footfall thing was definitely the worst.
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 21:35,
I usually screamed and leapt three feet in the air but she didn't seem put off. Even after I moved out I was constantly twitchy for about three weeks.
She also didn't pay her rent, and practised the piano in her room VERY LOUD, in the run-up to our finals. And she once organised a dinner party for a mutual friend, but as soon as she and I began cooking the three-course meal together, she realised she'd 'forgotten to get something', fucked off and came back just as we were tucking into the starter. She then asked me to contribute to the cost of the food - I didn't.
But the silent footfall thing was definitely the worst.

I can do that silent thing and usually I dont realise I'm doing it. Quite often I can just fade away into the background & reappear when you least expect it.
The best bit is when you and your mates are drunk and you change seats and make you mates paranoid about their mental health as "they could've sworn, I was in that chair".
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 16:29,
The best bit is when you and your mates are drunk and you change seats and make you mates paranoid about their mental health as "they could've sworn, I was in that chair".