in my second year at uni i lived with this bloke who really smelt. he played hockey a lot and the stink from his sweaty shin pads overwhelmed the house, that and his bo. we had to put Police Tape oputside of his room and traffic cones as warning to unsuspecting visitors of the house. In the same house was this fat ginger bloke, who constantly set off the fire alarm when cooking sausages.
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 10:38,

the Ones I had at Uni were fine, more or less, but after uni I had some right nutters - We were 4 hetero lads and 1 gay guy with self esteem issues, so we'd be bringing back ladies and making with the (noisy)love, he'd get no loving, and got increasingly bitter to the point where he moved out on Boxing day having phoned a Brazillian bumgay chat line for 2 hours...then we found where he lived and scared the shite out of him for the £50 phone bill!
The other more recent one, was some guy who talked to himself when he first moved in (and spent an hour looking at the house on the first visit - unfortunately my voice "Don't let him move in, he's a nutter" was lost in the wilderness), then disintegrated into hallucinations (He left post-it notes saying shit like "Beware the Spiders") and sent his chocolate and margarine back to the manufacturers stating he saw worms in them, then he started attacking our butter with knives having seen worms in them too! This then led to weird shouting at odd times of the day (which scared the neighbours too "Get THE watermelon OUT OF MY HEAD!!"), weird cooking (Tuna and Orange on Poridge oats)and the final Straw, phoning the police at 3am saying he had seen burglars in the house, which led to him seeing intruders on a weekly basis, and chasing them into our rooms (and scaring the ever loving crap out of us!) We called his mum, who called a quack, who said the best thing to do would be for him to stay with us!! TWUNT! Still the house was sold to another Landlord who raised the rent by £50, so the three of us went our seperate ways with no notice leaving nutter with the house (and full months rent to pay - I should add he lost his job as a courier for chatting to receptionists and scaring the shit out of them) it was worth losing the £150 deposit...almost. I still live in fear of seeing a battered white Peugeot 205 driving to my door (which he used to spend every Saturday inspecting, sitting in, and then inspecting again)! Sorry for the long post, but I kept remembering some the stuff he did
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 11:02,
The other more recent one, was some guy who talked to himself when he first moved in (and spent an hour looking at the house on the first visit - unfortunately my voice "Don't let him move in, he's a nutter" was lost in the wilderness), then disintegrated into hallucinations (He left post-it notes saying shit like "Beware the Spiders") and sent his chocolate and margarine back to the manufacturers stating he saw worms in them, then he started attacking our butter with knives having seen worms in them too! This then led to weird shouting at odd times of the day (which scared the neighbours too "Get THE watermelon OUT OF MY HEAD!!"), weird cooking (Tuna and Orange on Poridge oats)and the final Straw, phoning the police at 3am saying he had seen burglars in the house, which led to him seeing intruders on a weekly basis, and chasing them into our rooms (and scaring the ever loving crap out of us!) We called his mum, who called a quack, who said the best thing to do would be for him to stay with us!! TWUNT! Still the house was sold to another Landlord who raised the rent by £50, so the three of us went our seperate ways with no notice leaving nutter with the house (and full months rent to pay - I should add he lost his job as a courier for chatting to receptionists and scaring the shit out of them) it was worth losing the £150 deposit...almost. I still live in fear of seeing a battered white Peugeot 205 driving to my door (which he used to spend every Saturday inspecting, sitting in, and then inspecting again)! Sorry for the long post, but I kept remembering some the stuff he did