I'd worship someone for a hazelnut
I envy the squirrels...*sigh*
freyamoon Submit!,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:14,
squirrls can teleport you know
at least the american ones.
Philosophacles Now is my chance to be funny,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:15,
I've seen them
I've grown used to it, but it continues to amaze my cat.
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5],
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:17,
I can swear by this!
These NY squirrels are notorius!
But the frogs always get the hunks:(
freyamoon Submit!,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:17,
frogs are the hunks
ever notice when you kiss them they turn into men. the girl frogs get jealous and try to get back at them by getting other species of hunks.
Philosophacles Now is my chance to be funny,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:20,
i carry so much weird information
i should be on jeopardy or something.
Philosophacles Now is my chance to be funny,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:23,
Some frogs
even make you travel to other realms of reality when you lick them:)
freyamoon Submit!,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:24,
very true...
and some send you to hell...or heaven. Considering what you are doing, probably hell.
Philosophacles Now is my chance to be funny,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:25,
that it does
speaking of poison good night all
Philosophacles Now is my chance to be funny,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:28,
The prettiest ones just
need to be "taken" in small doses if you want to stay away from the grave. Over exposure can be deadly...
freyamoon Submit!,
Thu 12 Feb 2004, 5:28,