I've got one of those (with GVP G-Force 030, and various Zorro cards)
as well as an A4000 (with Cyberstorm 060, 'Repulse' soundcard, Voodoo 3 3000, WinTV card and all sorts of bells & whistles), an A1200 (with Blizzard 1260), another A1200, an A500, an A600, and an AmigaOne XE-G4 (1Ghz G4, ATi Radeon, and some more bells & whistles).
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL,
Fri 27 Feb 2004, 10:02,
does the
disk drive still click?
Fri 27 Feb 2004, 10:03,
On the A1500, A500, A600 and one of the A1200s, yes.
On the A1200/060 and A4000, no because I installed "NoClick".
On the AmigaOne, no because I didn't bother putting a floppy drive in it.
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL,
Fri 27 Feb 2004, 10:04,