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# bandwidth go byebye.
tj: There's an alarm going off next door. It's very loud but nobody lives there- people come during the day to work on it. I may go insane.
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:24, archived)
# thats nothing
a guy got murdered in my village 2 weeks ago, turns out two of the peeps that did it were lads who i used to hang about with. Must be an effect i have on people.

edit: why is this relevant at all? *slap slap slap slap*
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:26, archived)
is it in the same building?
if so, go to the fusebox and trip out their electricity
the freezer will defrost, but fuck 'em
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:26, archived)
# report it
to the police as noise polution. or if its a detatched house, burn it down.
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:26, archived)
# Have reported it,
but they say there's nothing they can do. Bastards.
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:27, archived)
# tell them
theres 5 or more students listening to repetative music nextdoor. that will have em round.
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:29, archived)
# go with
his second option. Was a rather good idea. And legal. 100% FACT
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:30, archived)
# kick the door in
and see what you can 'borrow'
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:30, archived)
# bugger all,
I've been keeping a shifty eye out...
(, Mon 8 Mar 2004, 23:32, archived)