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Is that one of those
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:41,
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From lastminute.com?
"I could go to Paris, or Bermuda...but no, I'm going to stay in the bath and wank all weekend!"
Cromagnon Don't waste my motherfucking time! ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:46,
archived )
They were the first link I found.
I doubt they are the exclusive purveyors of vibrating bath goodies on the interweb. /wanks
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:49,
archived )
yes, we sell them in the sex shop I work in. Not the dolls, the vibrating duck known as "I Rub my Duckie." Hurrah!
Throweron Thwarting wicked name thieves since ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:47,
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could i have a freebie?
bldcel ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:50,
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You really work at a sex shop?
does anything ever shock you, anymore?
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:50,
archived )
Nothin really shocked me anyway (apart from the G.O.A.T.S.E ) but especially not now. It is a lot of fun though and porn and sex is just as good as ever if not a little better... Also I'll try and arrange a freebie, if not you can use my discount ;)
Throweron Thwarting wicked name thieves since ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:54,
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I could do a review if it helps me get it for free!
bldcel ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 15:57,
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Thinkin about it, do you have a website or anythin? I could definately arrange somethin...
Throweron Thwarting wicked name thieves since ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 16:00,
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no website sorry
bldcel ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 16:08,
archived )
Ah well...
Just pop into any branch of Nice 'n' Naughty or check out the website (you'llbe able to buy stuff of it soon) it's not really expensive I don't think.
Throweron Thwarting wicked name thieves since ,
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 16:12,
archived )
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