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BitTorrent is completely legit
what you distribute on it is a whole different matter ;-)
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:45,
archived )
...Distributing massive hi-res images of my arse with the file name kais_powertools.exe?
Bohica Anne Frank's Bukkaki Tentacle Storm ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:47,
archived )
I double dare you!
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:48,
archived )
no need :)
Bohica Anne Frank's Bukkaki Tentacle Storm ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:49,
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That's hilarious!
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:49,
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It's blimming annoying
I was eMule'ing some MAME updates earlier this week, and the .rar wouldn't unpack. Turned out some twink had renamed a soft-core porn movie to "MAME 0.81 update from 0.80.rar". Bah. I wouldn't have minded, but 700meg of soft core porn? What's the point?
Fronds are waving gently on ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:53,
archived )
"...700meg of soft core porn? What's the point?"
If you really want an answer we'll be here 'til the New Year.
Bohica Anne Frank's Bukkaki Tentacle Storm ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:54,
archived )
i assume its the 'softcore' that he has a problem with
Hazhar ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:57,
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Hey. Any port in a storm.
Bohica Anne Frank's Bukkaki Tentacle Storm ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:57,
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Any porn in a storm, Shirley?
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 17:00,
archived )
You be on fire girlfriend!
Bohica Anne Frank's Bukkaki Tentacle Storm ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 17:01,
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Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 17:03,
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*bounces in chair*
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 17:05,
archived )
.. you could have a wank?
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:54,
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but it reminds me of Madonna's "What the f uck do you think you're doing" MP3s that she released on Napster back in the day...
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 16:59,
archived )
... and we all shat ourselves
- best thing she`s ever done ;-)
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 17:04,
archived )
I don't mind her
she's a hell of a smart lady.
Syncubus Yarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5] ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 17:07,
archived )
well she can take her smelly smartness and watermelon off :)
never liked her... or that big gap between her teeth.. or her music em.. I don`t like her very much :)
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 23 Dec 2004, 17:12,
archived )
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