you're an arsonist
ooooh you weren't here, I met a lady couple of weeks back while in Manchester...
twig Save 6 Music,
Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:26,
Wey-hey! Good on ya!
Hope the chocolate tart does the business! :)
Doc G and Sid the Monkey may contain traces of spatula,
Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:27,
already has ;)
whereabouts are you going in Nottingham?
twig Save 6 Music,
Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:29,
Mates house... I honestly don't have a clue where it is; I just rely upon Mrs Doc to get me there as she knows Nottingham.
Edit: it's near a tram stop; that's about all I know!
Doc G and Sid the Monkey may contain traces of spatula,
Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:36,