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# Hahahahaha!
Cocking Ace first post!


It's gonna be a great Tuesd . . . Bah! TUESDAY!

(, Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:21, archived)
# ummm
# a member for 3 years, 201 days, 17 hours, 5 minutes and 14 seconds
# has posted 25391 messages
# of which 91 have appeared on the front page.
# has posted 3 answers

am i going mad!!
(, Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:24, archived)
# Sorry dear, No!
I meant the first post I saw when I flogged on this morning . . . .

sorry . . .

(, Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:25, archived)
# ahh there you go then!
it was just me going mad! :o)
(, Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:27, archived)
# *giggles*

*messes with Rev's mind*



(, Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:32, archived)
# it doesnt take much!
(, Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:36, archived)
# What doesn't take much?



(, Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:39, archived)