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# do i know you?
(, Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:29, archived)
# my gods
don't tell me there are more of you!!

Mind you, my mum has to resist the urge to kick crutches/heavily leaned-upon walking sticks/zimmer frams out from under people - and she's a social worker specialising in geriatrics and people with disabilities.

And my sister used to be a carer for a man with MS and spinal injuries - he was paralised from the neck down. she used to pull his had down over his eyes and take his neck support away when she was pissed off with him. They fgot on like a house on fire though (now THAT'S a crazy expression!)
(, Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:36, archived)
# i have urges to kick small children too
am i wrong?
(, Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:38, archived)
# Always better to have the odds in your favour
Small children tend to be bigger than me and far scarier so I leave them alone.
(, Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:41, archived)
# I'm taller
than small children, jockeys and dwarves. But only just.
(, Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:44, archived)