but i like it almost as much because of the lady on the left's tan leatherette jacket
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:25,

who has a burning desire to go on an escalator with a fork to stab everyone going the other way in the back of the hand.
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:27,

don't tell me there are more of you!!
Mind you, my mum has to resist the urge to kick crutches/heavily leaned-upon walking sticks/zimmer frams out from under people - and she's a social worker specialising in geriatrics and people with disabilities.
And my sister used to be a carer for a man with MS and spinal injuries - he was paralised from the neck down. she used to pull his had down over his eyes and take his neck support away when she was pissed off with him. They fgot on like a house on fire though (now THAT'S a crazy expression!)
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:36,
Mind you, my mum has to resist the urge to kick crutches/heavily leaned-upon walking sticks/zimmer frams out from under people - and she's a social worker specialising in geriatrics and people with disabilities.
And my sister used to be a carer for a man with MS and spinal injuries - he was paralised from the neck down. she used to pull his had down over his eyes and take his neck support away when she was pissed off with him. They fgot on like a house on fire though (now THAT'S a crazy expression!)

Small children tend to be bigger than me and far scarier so I leave them alone.
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:41,

than small children, jockeys and dwarves. But only just.
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:44,

I thought that before whilst on the tube...
good work!
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:14,
good work!

working on some new Woo/Yays.... very impressive they are to.
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:17,

I'VE SEEN THE INTERNET, I know what people like you get up to.
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 14:01,

very good. in fact almost as good as nena's 'neun und neunzig luftballons'
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:18,

i shall go and listen to that now.
*edit* that is, once i've finished listening to Hooligans For Life by Rival Schools. cos once it's started i can't turn it off.
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:21,
*edit* that is, once i've finished listening to Hooligans For Life by Rival Schools. cos once it's started i can't turn it off.

the rather fantastic soundtrack to gta:vice city. (which, incidentally, i've just discovered you can listen to online)
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:27,

i was trying to put a clown wig on someone on the other side, but just couldn't find a good one
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:25,
i was trying to put a clown wig on someone on the other side, but just couldn't find a good one

Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha and ha.
That's spot on!
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:30,
Ha ha ha ha and ha.
That's spot on!

someone do it, go on please.
Look, it is him, it is him!!
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:36,
Look, it is him, it is him!!

he appear in your room as if he's just got out of an invisible lift?
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:40,

he just sort of knocks on the door really. Mind you, there was this time in 2024...
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:42,

he's only on the correct side if he looks at the sign from the wrong direction. It is a paradox is it not?
Or is it oxymoron?
I div'nt nah, man.
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:30,
Or is it oxymoron?
I div'nt nah, man.

in order to disguise my inferior qualities.
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:34,

he can't decide if he's a clown or a joker, and just picked a side at random. :)
( ,
Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:41,

but I love this :) enjoy a woo yay from Monkey

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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:24,

understated genius, my friend.
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:27,

Where did you get the picture? I'm sure that the closest arm on the right is mine.
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:38,

i hope you got the idea from there. it would make me smile and like you lots.
:) woo yay :)
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Wed 20 Nov 2002, 13:48,
:) woo yay :)