it would do a great service to a great many people, if your programme "what the papers say" could inform the viewing public that the photograph of the argentinean footballers was stolen by the mirror [please see a far earlier usage www.b3ta.com/board/1/3/4/6/5/8 - which has the decency to credit the *original* creator who posted the picture on a bulletin board (kotnet.absurd). rather than giving the mirror undue credit, it would do far better, and a far better story, if the award was sent to the real genius.
( ,
Fri 22 Nov 2002, 13:37,

(also you might want to tidy it up a bit)
Please pass along:
This was brought to my attention:
WRONG it was not designed by the mirror.
Please go to the factual errors feedback form
and let them know that the image was just lifted wholesale from the internet
by the mirror and is NOT theirs to copyright.
www.b3ta.com/board/1/3/4/6/5/8 is where it was posted on a
messageboard by a friend of it's creator many days before the mirror
published it. The creator was credited as 'De Phanne' at a private bulletin
board kotnet.absurd freggle.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/absurd/ where the
friend was also a member.
If everyone that got sent that image by e-mail (many before the Mirror
published the picture on the front page) could let the BBC know of the facts
then hopefully the creator can finally get some credit for what they did and
THE MIRROR won't walk away with the prize for doing nothing more than right
clicking and using 'save as'.
( ,
Fri 22 Nov 2002, 13:54,
Please pass along:
This was brought to my attention:
WRONG it was not designed by the mirror.
Please go to the factual errors feedback form
and let them know that the image was just lifted wholesale from the internet
by the mirror and is NOT theirs to copyright.
www.b3ta.com/board/1/3/4/6/5/8 is where it was posted on a
messageboard by a friend of it's creator many days before the mirror
published it. The creator was credited as 'De Phanne' at a private bulletin
board kotnet.absurd freggle.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/absurd/ where the
friend was also a member.
If everyone that got sent that image by e-mail (many before the Mirror
published the picture on the front page) could let the BBC know of the facts
then hopefully the creator can finally get some credit for what they did and
THE MIRROR won't walk away with the prize for doing nothing more than right
clicking and using 'save as'.