I have noticed recently though that when PM Tonay starts his questions he always nearly has to start 'Will the House join me in sending our condolences to a dead soldier...'
ACuntLikeYou I'm hated for loving,
Wed 17 May 2006, 12:19,
Every time Tonay tells a lie
God kills a kitten soldier
Hamster Trippin' aka Mr. Titts,
Wed 17 May 2006, 12:20,
every time i masturbate
Jesus puts off comming back another decade
ACuntLikeYou I'm hated for loving,
Wed 17 May 2006, 12:21,
Will that work for me as well?
Psychosomatic Tumor Laugh your life cause there ain't much to cry for,
Wed 17 May 2006, 12:22,
so far
he aint due back until 5940
ACuntLikeYou I'm hated for loving,
Wed 17 May 2006, 12:23,
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions,
Wed 17 May 2006, 12:24,
Less than 6000?
Time to get cracking then!
Psychosomatic Tumor Laugh your life cause there ain't much to cry for,
Wed 17 May 2006, 12:31,