'The 'Stones have delayed their tour coz Keith Richards fell out a tree and had to have brain sergery'
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:36,

what do you think of this twee camera abscura track?
edit::: kieth richards jumped out of the tree because duncan goodhew told him to
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:40,
edit::: kieth richards jumped out of the tree because duncan goodhew told him to

and I don't have a penchant for the twee - that must meen it is well good and we are both clever and have excellent taste because we likes it
best band name i have heard for ages is Seal Cub Clubbing Club
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:48,
best band name i have heard for ages is Seal Cub Clubbing Club

that's a great name! I like kooky names
The Infadels, what do you think?
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:50,
The Infadels, what do you think?

the love like semtex lot?
edit::: checked on the interweb yes them - yepyep I am buying this one
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:53,
edit::: checked on the interweb yes them - yepyep I am buying this one