This afternoon I shall be listening to Johnny Cash till the cricket comes back on... what are YOU listening to?

but Colins not fat
and I don't know the scheduling,but Jo used to be on at this time last time a listened to Radio 1.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:39,
and I don't know the scheduling,but Jo used to be on at this time last time a listened to Radio 1.

fat harry white is king!
edit: www.biggedybong.com/mark_lard_audio.html
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:42,
edit: www.biggedybong.com/mark_lard_audio.html

I downloaded bought the shirehorses albums last week, as I fancied a wee hit of mark and lard
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:44,

when people talk about "celebrities" and it's great when someone acknowledges the M&L reference.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:51,

"They call him the Hapless Boy Laaaaaaaaard /
Why they call him that, I do not know..."
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:52,
Why they call him that, I do not know..."

Mark Radcliffe is now on the Radio 2 graveyard shift, and he's still great.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:50,

she looks like someones mum and has the musical tastes to match
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:41,

does she look like?
Do you have this mum's address?
Would she like a good rogering from a fat bloke?
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 14:03,
Do you have this mum's address?
Would she like a good rogering from a fat bloke?

We're forced to listen to it - I used to detest it but it's grown on me.
Apart from the recent introduction of Chris Evans that is.....
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:35,
Apart from the recent introduction of Chris Evans that is.....

Local Radio-tastic mate
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:44,

*taps feet*
ohhh.... synthesizer tastic!
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:29,
ohhh.... synthesizer tastic!

I'd recommend "Hypnotic Tango" by My Mine or "Happy Station" by Fun Fun.
Italo stuff is generally quite gay but OK in the right environment :)

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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:56,
Italo stuff is generally quite gay but OK in the right environment :)

followed by the twins, "ballet dancer" and shed loads more, as I just got my hands on all of these...
there is over 440 songs on 38 CD's
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 14:01,
there is over 440 songs on 38 CD's

I didn't know who Johnny Cash was until after he was dead.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:29,

Oh noes! At least Tchaikovsky's still banging them out.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:32,

and enjoy the rest of the cricket, I know I will
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:33,

'The 'Stones have delayed their tour coz Keith Richards fell out a tree and had to have brain sergery'
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:36,

what do you think of this twee camera abscura track?
edit::: kieth richards jumped out of the tree because duncan goodhew told him to
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:40,
edit::: kieth richards jumped out of the tree because duncan goodhew told him to

and I don't have a penchant for the twee - that must meen it is well good and we are both clever and have excellent taste because we likes it
best band name i have heard for ages is Seal Cub Clubbing Club
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:48,
best band name i have heard for ages is Seal Cub Clubbing Club

that's a great name! I like kooky names
The Infadels, what do you think?
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:50,
The Infadels, what do you think?

the love like semtex lot?
edit::: checked on the interweb yes them - yepyep I am buying this one
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:53,
edit::: checked on the interweb yes them - yepyep I am buying this one

I'm not doing very well so far.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:54,

Click here then select stream speed
And I read that first as "listening to Johnny Catfish"
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:31,
And I read that first as "listening to Johnny Catfish"

perhaps Ballad of a Teenage Bream
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:35,

my boss harp on about getting some work done and listening to what he has to say ... self important jerk!
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:32,

Throw him out of the window
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:35,

listened to 10 seconds of each song, and then never bothered with it. Perhaps I should give it more of a chance?
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:37,

I got the album from allofmp3.com for $1.58
I listened to it a few times on my personal mp3 player
with my in-ear headphones so all you hear is the sweet sweet music
and grew to love it.
it's mostly quite a dark album.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:42,
I listened to it a few times on my personal mp3 player
with my in-ear headphones so all you hear is the sweet sweet music
and grew to love it.
it's mostly quite a dark album.

It's not usually my bag but I guess with more listening I'll be alright ;)
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:45,

I used to use allofmp3, twas quite good.
Until SSS pointed me in the direction of soulseek
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:46,
Until SSS pointed me in the direction of soulseek

The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:36,

If their music is 0.1546th as good as their name, they must be ace!
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:40,

but I think you'll have to be into grindcore to appreciate them
they're a bit like the Dillinger Escape Plan
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:41,
they're a bit like the Dillinger Escape Plan

/clichéd post.
Nothing really, but if I was, it would be Primal Scream.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:36,
Nothing really, but if I was, it would be Primal Scream.

possibly tomorrow
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:38,

The sounds of silence. Because I have no ears. Because I cut them off. Because I wanted to.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:40,

i only listen to godspeed you black emperor and a silver mt zion.
all other music sucks balls ; )
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:48,
all other music sucks balls ; )

Top track. I re-bought Skylarking Remastered the other day...
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:44,

I have that too . . .
Mayor of Simpleton! \o/ from Oranges and Lemons

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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:46,
I have that too . . .
Mayor of Simpleton! \o/ from Oranges and Lemons

Thanks! I'm gonna profile that!

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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 14:09,

glorius music!
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:43,

But are we going to have a 'music of the day' like lunch of the day?
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:46,

So long as there's no genre discrimination.
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:53,

I can't promise every day but I'll try my best
There will be no discrimination, I have very varied tastes
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Fri 2 Jun 2006, 13:54,
There will be no discrimination, I have very varied tastes