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# that is like the matrix
there is a judder padir schweppes thing going on at the end it readjusts but i don't see it adjust to anything for it to readjust to.
Plus there are tiny orange things falling off the gnome or a trail being left by hum.
This is all quite weird.

On another topic i'll be out all day tomorrow so if anyone want's to get hold of me about the m3tatweening then it won't be until the evening. Basically i need the url to the anims (non looping). No restrictions really other than that.
Night Night.
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:49, archived)
# I'm guessing that was
the optimisation that did it. Bit of a weird one. But I have an idea that may improve it...
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:51, archived)
# no i LIKE it like that
try previewing your gifs in 2 colours or 4 before you finalise them, you often get some lovely oddities.
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:53, archived)
# oops too late!
seems the GIMP makes gifs go a bit funny if you optimise and _then_ resize. You need to resize the unoptimised version. I've replaced it with a smaller higher quality version now.
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:55, archived)
# but won't that
effect the way the keyframes look and the small amount of continuity that there is?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:58, archived)
# I think
he was talking just about the anim I just posted, which went a little funny until I worked out what was wrong. I reckon the m3ta thingy anims should try to maintain some colour consistency between each other (Fnord said something about probably using the one I did where I saved it with no colour reduction)
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:01, archived)
# 255 colours?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:03, archived)
# I think
that's how many colours GIFs have by default, so yeah. If they're all going to run together (maybe as a .SWF) then it'll be nice to keep the colours as they started. but then my first frame was a faded blue background, which would have been tricky, so that got munged up by frame 2!
[edit - but I'm hoping that the colours will be OK for continuity. My end frame was a black and white drawing, so I know that's fine!]
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:07, archived)
# surely as long as the key frames
remain as they were it wont matter??......
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:12, archived)
# pretty much, yes
the only issue we were talking about was that when the GIF is optimised, the number of colours may be reduced, making the key frames slightly different to the originals. Because of that, I've kept my working files and haven't reduced the colour depth. but let's just see what happens - I'm quite probably over analysing this now!
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:16, archived)
# yeah
i was just talking about animated gifs in general, just for your own amusement, seeing what they look like with 2 colours.
You can use 128 or 64 if you want to make the anims a bit smaller at this stage each anim will be run on a seperate html page so any slight difference in keyframes won't be noticed as the next page is loaded.
Or if anyone has any good suggestions let me know. maybe keeping to 256 is important.
When i try and import ani gis into flash the last frame or two always get messed up maybe it's just me using an old flash 4 programme.
Anyway night night. (number 2)
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:21, archived)