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# Oh, btw, girly advice needed.
I've been dating this bloke for almost two months and I'm falling in love with him. My usual trick is to dump them when this happens, but I don't want to.
Should I tell him or not or just dump him?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:11, archived)
# Wrong person to ask
am freshly in love
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:13, archived)
# Ah fuck,
so am I. So did you tell him or what?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:13, archived)
She told him...
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:15, archived)
# Oh really?
And what was his reaction?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:16, archived)
# He appears outwardly pleased


deep down inside

He's REALLY happy!
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:20, archived)
# does this explain
the face fungus removal?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:26, archived)
# I can't deny
that it's an added incentive - but it's not being removed, more like harvested.

Or maybe it's like when they shear sheep in the spring?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:28, archived)
# tee hee
you could knit youself some nice earsocks from the harvested hair
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:30, archived)
# Yup
He loves me too!

*does happy dance*
(, Mon 6 Jan 2003, 1:15, archived)