Are they watching him sell batteries?
If so, it's not really funny. Well not front-page funny....
or am I still not getting something?
Mr Eraserhead Why aren't you a lemon?,
Wed 20 Sep 2006, 22:37,
have to agree...
it's mildly amusing, but hardly worthy of an FP, imo.
calibrax loves teh hamsters (not in that way),
Thu 21 Sep 2006, 2:00,
I didn't get it either.
Now I do, but I'm still not convinced.
Thu 21 Sep 2006, 17:14,
Go here
to watch batteries being sold.
That's the message I got, but it's not FP material. Oh well.
Black Moon Not cracked, I'm all up to be.,
Sun 24 Sep 2006, 8:31,