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# You hear that?
That's the sound of a thousand of male b3tards the world over collectively reaching for their cocks to see which way they start with.

I'm an up, by the way
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 1:11, archived)
# seriously, why an up?
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 1:12, archived)
# I'm a down
I'm amazed anyone would start with an up, unless they'd been circumcised
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 1:14, archived)
# I did think circumcision would make people start with an up.
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 1:15, archived)
# well I'm off to bed
to sleep, not to test theories, you understand
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 1:16, archived)
# Or
wake up with a start.
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 1:26, archived)
# I guess it depends on where you grip
Maybe I'll try down. Who knows, I might like it!

/edit - And I reckon we've now done a pretty good job of scaring off *every single woman* from the board. Gay shift ahoy!
(, Tue 9 Jan 2007, 1:19, archived)