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# Bilbobarneybobs

His ears are really that big, I saw a picture!
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:36, archived)
# hahaha
that's wonderful
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:36, archived)
# that's highly illogical
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:37, archived)
# Freebs is a Vulcan?
That explains why he manages to survive on a diet of mostly noodles.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:38, archived)
# aaaargh
forking hell!

what an image to see when I come back

are you trying to pt me off my noodles?!
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:38, archived)
# Yes!
Wait, I mean no.

noodles are offputting enough. They don't need my help.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:39, archived)
# Mmm... noodles.
Best of all the spagettis.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:40, archived)
# I love noodles
they're my friends?
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:41, archived)
# Depends how long they are.
If they are over 2.3 Worms think one must only consider them associates.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:41, archived)
# Uh...
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:43, archived)
# Hey, we don't make the rules
That would be silly and think of all the paperwork
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:45, archived)
# nice but heeeeuge!

EDIT: Not the filesize C];0) his BELLEH!

(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:43, archived)
# 'snot!
S'only 19k, and it had to be that big, else his face wouldn't have fitted in!
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:44, archived)

(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:54, archived)
# No!
Wait, alright then.

Don't shout! S' very rude!
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:55, archived)
# It's Simon from The Apprentice!!
EDIT: woo!
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:00, archived)