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# ^this^
/has never been to a bash blog
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:25, archived)
# Bashes are fun and sexy
Next time, reschedule your other activities
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:29, archived)
# They are
Debauchery ahoy.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:29, archived)
# I almost came to a Birmingham bash not so long ago
and even got as far as booking a hotel, but then had to go to Moscow instead.

I really would go, if I could find one that loads of people were going to that was Midlands or South

/lives in Bath blog
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:29, archived)
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:29, archived)
# Could probably do a London bash,
though the last time I was in London I was sick outside Downing Street. That was Marathon day.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:31, archived)
# They're absolutely brilliant.
Well, I've only been to one, but I can only remember half of it so it must have been excellent.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:32, archived)
# It was
*remembers fondly*
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:36, archived)
# I remember snippets of being rather drunk and embarrassing.
\o/ go captain!
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:39, archived)
# London bashes are definitely better
More drinking and decent banter, less blowing up balloons and talking about star trek.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:42, archived)
# And when IS the next London bash?
*clears calendar*
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:31, archived)
# *roots around in the calendar*
so far I can't see anything- there's the rounders in the park one but that's all /talkers and you don't want that.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:36, archived)
# Well if the main boarders have one in London then I'm game
I'm going to a boring ball in London in two weeks (yawn), where I'm sure to be the lowest class (i.e. poorest) person there.

This is all dependant on my physio, which starts today. Hence I'm not at work. Hence I'm posting slightly less than normal...
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:41, archived)
No, not /talk. Well in that case, I'll refill my diary for the time being.

Just nothing in September or I'll get upset.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:41, archived)
# You doilem
We have had two Bath bashes already. You could have come to either or both.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:30, archived)
# When were they?
I only joined b3ta 1 year, 0 months and 4 days ago.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:33, archived)
# Er....
I'm sure there was one in the last year.

My mum came to it.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 11:37, archived)