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# i would have if could find a gun at the right angle
(, Thu 6 Sep 2007, 2:24, archived)
# I'll check my stash
1 sec
Bit of work in cutting & flipping, but the Bren gun might work? www.b3tards.com/u/d82716ce2bc2b8c45021/brengun_large.jpg
(, Thu 6 Sep 2007, 2:27, archived)
# And it is nothing like the original;)
(, Thu 6 Sep 2007, 2:31, archived)
# haha,
I'm not sure he could hold that.

I can't be arsed changing it now, i spent ages as it is :(
(, Thu 6 Sep 2007, 2:33, archived)
# It is fine just the way it is:)
(, Thu 6 Sep 2007, 2:34, archived)