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# ye, but some employers are a bit anal
excuse the choice of words :P
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:08, archived)
# Get back to work and stop browsing the site then
Or I'll TELL.
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:11, archived)
# pfft
i'm a student, matey - thus, no works for me :P
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:13, archived)
# Shouldn't you
be down the union getting pissed on 5p pints?
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:16, archived)
# haha
I don't even know where the student union is in Cambridge :) I'd rather keep /board company :P
(, Sat 8 Sep 2007, 19:18, archived)