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# =D
just messing cap'n!!
remember i usually have nothing all day until dinner...
thats probably half of it..
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 12:30, archived)
# Oh that's bad for you,
If I were working with you I'd start making sandwiches for you every day. Used to do that with one of my old workmates who didn't eat anything that wasn't brown or yellow, tesco value and came from the freezer section.
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 12:31, archived)
# and i would object, telling you not to spend your money on me!!
but thank you anyway!
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 12:33, archived)
# so did he.
The good thing about me is I'll do as I bloody well please, and if you don't eat the sandwich I'll cry.

(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 12:34, archived)