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# finished


*does not compute*
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 14:52, archived)
# well - yeah ... okay
I'll have done the main quest and all the guild quests... and the shrines... and ... be master and champion of everything ... and ... and ... if I do download the expansion pakcs I think I may end up, you know, cracking under the pressure of teh unreality of it all...
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 14:54, archived)
# Yeah
It got boring way before the end. Who'd bother to finish it?

I finished it in about a week actually. Meh.
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 14:55, archived)
# yeah
I'm about 156 hours in and the honeymoons coming to an end like. I just want to squash the life out of it so there's no temptation to come back or -- worse still - start again from the begining.

(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 14:56, archived)
# but soon - hopefully - it'll be game over man
game over
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 14:58, archived)
# The expansion packs really don't help, either.
Because everything else is finished, the world just seems hollow apart from whatever pointless mission.
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 14:59, archived)
# Good
-- I want my evenings back.
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:01, archived)
# true
although the shivering piles or whatever is mildly diverting
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:05, archived)
# You've got sticking power.
I got bored because although you level up and get better kit, so do all the baddies in-line with your progress, so it sort of all cancels out, no point.
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:04, archived)
# yeah - I'm a bit of a noob at this sort of game
so I still take pleasure from it - but I find it dead anoying that you can go anywhere at almost any time and it makes very little difference, in fact higher levels are easier because you have better stuff.
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 15:11, archived)