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# i can't think of a better name than wobbles
for a cat
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:02, archived)
# ^all of this
I am going to go buy another kitty now, and name it Wobbles*

*unfortunately, I doubt this will happen, but it will soon. OH IT FUCKING WILL =]
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:07, archived)
# i thought of it!
when i move out im having two cats one called wobbles and one called hitler
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:07, archived)
# Genius
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:10, archived)
# im not sure whats better the fact this website exsists or the 1744 hitler lookalikes that exsist
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:11, archived)
# or that one of them was called swastika
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:18, archived)
# ^this
is a delightful combination of names!
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:11, archived)
# Evenin' sweetie!
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:21, archived)
# evenin' to you, too!
things are running slow and shit on here for me tonight, i'm definitely in need of a new puter.
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:37, archived)
# Format it?
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:45, archived)
# i know how to
switch it on and type, beyond that, i'm in "here be dragons" territory :(
(, Tue 20 Nov 2007, 18:48, archived)