You have soup with Hopkins and Thompsons in it! What do you use as croutons? Brannahs?
Hehehe Channel 4 have just asked me to be on a discussion programme about their Big Food Fight season.
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Tue 8 Jan 2008, 22:08,
Hehehe Channel 4 have just asked me to be on a discussion programme about their Big Food Fight season.

They have asked for a statement though. The question now is building society of bank!
EDIT: And if I was going to go I think it would be only fair to go dressed as Huge Firmly-Whippingstall!
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Tue 8 Jan 2008, 22:12,
EDIT: And if I was going to go I think it would be only fair to go dressed as Huge Firmly-Whippingstall!

You know, shouting, throwing stuff, whatever works for you.
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Tue 8 Jan 2008, 22:11,

tell them you have a chicken dungeon and would like to serve gordon ramsay, sliced thinly and drizzled in a warm raspberry vinaigrette.
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Tue 8 Jan 2008, 22:12,