I hope HappyToast approves this one,.
or maybe they'll just do another fucking zombie *yawn*
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 12:42,
or maybe they'll just do another fucking zombie *yawn*

Remind me what I've done to offend you so much for you to criticise my work in such an out of the blue way? I haven't posted a zombie in months, and when I do it's for the people who requested them.
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 12:45,

So its fine for you to post pissy comments about stuff, but not t'other way round? Tsk.
Never mind. I don't want to play the wounded artist or anything 'cos it wasn't that great a pic. I shall just wait for your next brilliant competition suggestion in the no doubt vain hope that I can reach your standards that time.
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 12:53,
Never mind. I don't want to play the wounded artist or anything 'cos it wasn't that great a pic. I shall just wait for your next brilliant competition suggestion in the no doubt vain hope that I can reach your standards that time.

how long are we going to have to wait?
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 12:56,

It does affect the time one can dedicate to Photoshop-based humour sites
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 13:00,

but seeing as most people on here manage to do both it appears not to be true. we need to do proper SCIENCE to find out the truth
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 13:07,

which categorises this site as "Violent content" (!)
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 13:09,

what are you going on about?
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 13:02,

You were nasty about my Kramer thing (which I have now deleted, tears streaming from my eyes)
Never mind - lets make up. I'm sorry. I love you, that's why I get so angry when you say things, dammit....
Edit: Still at least I didn't do something with Stevie Wonder..
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 13:05,
Never mind - lets make up. I'm sorry. I love you, that's why I get so angry when you say things, dammit....
Edit: Still at least I didn't do something with Stevie Wonder..

in reference to what I'd said before about my original intention of the image challenge, at no point did I criticise your actual work.
I am sorry that my drawing skills bore you. Sadly I quite like them and will probably post more so you should probably put me on ignore now lest I send you to sleep.
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Thu 24 Jan 2008, 13:12,
I am sorry that my drawing skills bore you. Sadly I quite like them and will probably post more so you should probably put me on ignore now lest I send you to sleep.